CV Tips

Preparing Your CV

Recruiters will look at your CV as an example of how you present yourself and your work. Imagine it arriving in a busy recruiter’s inbox with lots of other CVs – does it stand out for the right reason?

Here are some dos and don’ts:


  • Keep it succinct and use simple language 
  • Try to keep it to 2-3 pages
  • Use bullet points 
  • Try to be as objective and specific as possible
  • Give factual information about your previous employers, such as business type, size, structure
  • Use spell check and ask someone else to proof-read it
  • List hobbies and interests especially if they demonstrate a useful attribute, for example a team sport or a sport that requires motivation and commitment
  • Give reference details if you want to, but it isn’t essential to do so
  • Put your name and page numbers at the top of each page in case your CV gets mixed up with others at some stage


  • Use an old-fashioned looking or overly fancy font (Arial is a good one to use)
  • Use long or old-fashioned words or expressions (unless it’s appropriate, of course) – try as much as possible to write as you would speak 
  • Use blocks of text or lengthy paragraphs
  • Use a profile at the beginning of the CV describing yourself – let the content of your CV demonstrate your talents
  • Lie or exaggerate
  • Submit it unless you know it represents you in the best possible way
  • List ‘socialising, clubbing or shopping’ as a hobby
  • Use humour unless you are very confident it works, or employ the use of any gimmicks or pictures

Once your CV is complete, ask friends to comment on it – particularly if they are friends who recruit.